前車の すり抜けしてたバイクが少し撮れてなくてわかりにくい感じになってしまってるんだけど・・後続のバイクは猛スピードで 車と車の間を すり抜けてきます。423では 猛スピードですり抜けて行くバイクは日常茶飯事なんだけど、すり抜けてるバイクに対して追いついて バイクが煽るってな光景うはちょっと珍しくないかなww
The bike that slipped through is being pushed by the bike that slipped further. .
I couldn't take a picture of the motorcycle that slipped past the front car, making it difficult to understand ...
Subsequent motorcycles pass between cars at high speed.
In 423, motorcycles that slip through at intense speed are everyday things, but catching up with a motorcycle that slips through isn't it unusual for a spectacle to see the bike being fueled?
[google translation]
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